Computing the entropy of a distribution, numerically#
The informativeness of a prior distribution is linked to its entropy. The larger the entropy, the less informative the prior distribution is. The entropy of a univariate continuous distribution with probability density function \(p(x)\) is defined as:
Here, we will compute the entropy of continuous univariate distributions numerically to compare their informativeness relative to each other. Let us define a Gaussian distribution x
from cuqi.distribution import Gaussian
import numpy as np
import scipy
x = Gaussian(0, 1)
Let us define a lambda
function for the entropy integrand:
entropy_integrand = lambda dist, val: dist.pdf(val)*dist.logd(val)
To compute the entropy, we can use scipy’s quad
function to integrate the entropy integrand over the support of the distribution:
import scipy.integrate as sp_integrate
x_entropy = -1*sp_integrate.quad(lambda val: entropy_integrand(x, val),
-np.inf, np.inf)[0]
print("Entropy of x: ")
Entropy of x:
Compute the entropy of the distribution
y = Gaussian(1, 0.1)
using the same method as above, what is the effect of changing the variance of the distribution on the entropy?Similarly, compute the entropy of the distribution
z = Uniform(-3, 3)
and compare with the entropy of the two Gaussian distributions. Hint: use -3 and 3 as the limits of the integration.Which of all the distributions has the highest entropy?
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