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Uncertainty Quantification in Inverse Problems with CUQIpy
Chapter 1: Introduction to CUQIpy
Overview of CUQIpy
Running the mini-book code examples
Probably the simplest BIP in the world (the short story)
Probably the simplest BIP in the world (the long story)
Chapter 2: Problem examples
Two forward models
Two target distributions
Chapter 3: Basics of CUQIpy for solving BIPs
Introduction to distributions and basic sampling in CUQIpy
Forward models, data generation and forward UQ
Bayesian Inverse Problems
Chapter 4: Advanced use cases of CUQIpy
Gibbs sampling
X-ray CT using CUQIpy and CUQIpy-CIL plugin
Solving PDE-based BIP using core CUQIpy
PDE-based BIP using CUQIpy and CUQIpy-FEniCS plugin
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with CUQIpy-PyTorch
Chapter 5: More on CUQIpy technical details
Geometry Objects: Representation, Parametrization, and Mapping
Chapter 6: More theory on priors
Markov random fields in CUQIpy
Computing the entropy of a distribution, numerically
Chapter 7: More theory on sampling
Sampling with CUQIpy: five little stories
Chapter 8: More resources
Chapter 3: Basics of CUQIpy for solving BIPs
Chapter 3: Basics of CUQIpy for solving BIPs