- class cuqi.experimental.mcmc.MYULA(target=None, scale=1.0, smoothing_strength=0.1, **kwargs)#
Moreau-Yoshida Unadjusted Langevin algorithm (MYUULA) (Durmus et al., 2018)
Samples a smoothed target distribution given its smoothed logpdf gradient. It is based on the Langevin diffusion dL_t = dW_t + 1/2*Nabla target.logd(L_t)dt, where W_t is a dim-dimensional standard Brownian motion. It targets a differentiable density (partially) smoothed by the Moreau-Yoshida envelope. The smoothed target density can be made arbitrarily closed to the true unsmoothed target density.
For more details see: Durmus, Alain, Eric Moulines, and Marcelo Pereyra. “Efficient Bayesian computation by proximal Markov chain Monte Carlo: when Langevin meets Moreau.” SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 11.1 (2018): 473-506.
- Parameters:
target (cuqi.distribution.Distribution) – The target distribution to sample from. The target distribution results from a differentiable likelihood and prior of type RestorationPrior.
initial_point (ndarray) – Initial parameters. Optional
scale (float) – The Langevin diffusion discretization time step (In practice, scale must be smaller than 1/L, where L is the Lipschitz of the gradient of the log target density, logd).
smoothing_strength (float) – This parameter controls the smoothing strength of MYULA.
callback (callable, optional) – A function that will be called after each sampling step. It can be useful for monitoring the sampler during sampling. The function should take three arguments: the sampler object, the index of the current sampling step, the total number of requested samples. The last two arguments are integers. An example of the callback function signature is: callback(sampler, sample_index, num_of_samples).
demos/howtos/ (A Deblur example can be found in)
TODO (#)
- __init__(target=None, scale=1.0, smoothing_strength=0.1, **kwargs)#
Initializer for abstract base class for all samplers.
Any subclassing samplers should simply store input parameters as part of the __init__ method.
The actual initialization of the sampler should be done in the _initialize method.
- Parameters:
target (cuqi.density.Density) – The target density.
initial_point (array-like, optional) – The initial point for the sampler. If not given, the sampler will choose an initial point.
callback (callable, optional) – A function that will be called after each sampling step. It can be useful for monitoring the sampler during sampling. The function should take three arguments: the sampler object, the index of the current sampling step, the total number of requested samples. The last two arguments are integers. An example of the callback function signature is: callback(sampler, sample_index, num_of_samples).
([target, scale, smoothing_strength])Initializer for abstract base class for all samplers.
Return the history of the sampler.
Return the samples.
Return the state of the sampler.
Initialize the sampler by setting and allocating the state and history before sampling starts.
(path)Load the state of the sampler from a file.
Re-initialize the sampler.
(Ns[, batch_size, sample_path])Sample Ns samples from the target density.
(path)Save the state of the sampler to a file.
(history)Set the history of the sampler.
(state)Set the state of the sampler.
()Perform one step of the sampler by transitioning the current point to a new point according to the sampler's transition kernel.
(skip_len, update_count)Tune the parameters of the sampler.
Validate the target is compatible with the sampler.
(Nb[, tune_freq])Warmup the sampler by drawing Nb samples.