
class cuqi.geometry.StepExpansion(grid, n_steps=3, fun2par_projection='mean', **kwargs)#

Class representation of step functions (piecewise constant functions) with n_steps equidistant steps on the interval [x0, xn], with both endpoints included. The function par2fun maps the parameters p (which are the step magnitudes) to the corresponding step function evaluated on the spatial grid (grid) of nodes x0, x1, …xn.

For example, if n_steps is 3 and grid is a uniform grid on [0, L] with nodes x0=0, x1=0.1L, …, xn=L, then the resulting function evaluated on the grid will be p[0], if x<=L/3, p[1], if L/3<x<=2L/3, p[2], if 2L/3<x<=L.

  • grid (ndarray) –

    Regular grid points for the step expansion to be evaluated at. The number of grid points should be equal to or larger than n_steps. The latter setting can be useful, for example, when using the StepExpansion geometry as a domain geometry for a cuqipy Model that expects the input to be interpolated on a (possibly fine) grid (grid). The interval endpoints, [x0, xn], should be included in the grid.

  • n_steps (int) –

    Number of equidistant steps.

  • fun2par_projection (str, default 'mean') –

    Projection of the step function (evaluated on the grid) on the parameter space. The supported projections are
    ’mean’: the parameter p[i] value will be the average of the function values at the nodes that falls in the interval I=(x0+i*L/n_steps, x0+(i+1)*L/n_steps].
    ’max’: the parameter p[i] value will be the maximum of the function values in I.
    ’min’: the parameter p[i] value will be the minimum of the function values in I.

  • kwargs (keyword arguments) –

    keyword arguments are passed to the initializer of Continuous1D

__init__(grid, n_steps=3, fun2par_projection='mean', **kwargs)#


__init__(grid[, n_steps, fun2par_projection])


The function to parameter map used to map function values back to parameters, if available.


Maps function values to a vector representation of the function values, if available.


The parameter to function map used to map parameters to function values in e.g. plotting.

plot(values[, is_par, plot_par])

Plots a function over the set defined by the geometry object.

plot_envelope(lo_values, hi_values[, ...])

Plots an envelope from lower and upper bounds over the set defined by the geometry object.


Maps function vector representation, if available, to function values.



The dimension of the geometry (function space).


Flag to indicate whether the function value is an array.


The shape of the geometry (function space).


The dimension of the geometry (dimension of the vector representation of the function value).


The shape of the geometry (shape of the vector representation of the function value).



Number of equidistant steps.


The dimension of the geometry (parameter space).


Shape of the parameter space.
