API reference#
CUQIpy is a large library of sub modules. The following is an overview of the overall structure of the library.
- The main modules are:
cuqi.distribution for defining probability distributions.
cuqi.model for defining deterministic models.
cuqi.sampler for sampling from probability distributions.
- The following modules provide higher-level interfaces:
cuqi.testproblem for defining specific test problems.
cuqi.problem for automatic UQ by simply defining problem.
cuqi.pde for defining and solving PDEs.
- Some useful auxiliary helper modules:
cuqi.likelihood for defining likelihood functions.
cuqi.geometry for defining the geometry of objects like distributions or models.
cuqi.samples contains tools for storing and manipulating MCMC samples.
cuqi.solver contains tools point estimation of posteriors.
- Experimental modules:
cuqi.experimental contains experimental modules that are not yet stable.
- Full API overview
A complete auto generated overview of the API can be found below (or by navigating using the sidebar).