Time Dependent Linear PDE#

In this example we show how to set up various Time Dependent Linear PDE models.

First we import the modules needed.

import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from cuqi.array import CUQIarray
from cuqi.model import PDEModel
from cuqi.geometry import Continuous1D
from cuqi.pde import TimeDependentLinearPDE
import numpy as np

Model 1: Heat equation with initial condition as the Bayesian parameter#

# 1.1 Prepare PDE form

dim = 200   # Number of solution nodes
L = 5  # 1D domain length
max_time = 1  # Final time
dx = L/(dim+1)   # Space step size
cfl = 5/11  # The cfl condition to have a stable solution
max_iter = int(max_time/(cfl*dx**2))  # Number of time steps
time_steps = np.linspace(0, max_time, max_iter+1,
                         endpoint=True)  # Time steps array

Dxx = (np.diag(-2*np.ones(dim)) + np.diag(np.ones(dim-1), -1) +
       np.diag(np.ones(dim-1), 1))/dx**2  # Finite difference diffusion operator

# PDE form function, returns a tuple of (differential operator, source_term, initial_condition)
def PDE_form(initial_condition, t): return (
    Dxx, np.zeros(dim), initial_condition)

# 1.2 Create a PDE object

PDE = TimeDependentLinearPDE(
    PDE_form, time_steps, method="forward_euler")

# 1.3 Create the PDE model

# Set up geometries for the model
grid = np.linspace(dx, L, dim, endpoint=False)
domain_geometry = Continuous1D(grid)
range_geometry = Continuous1D(grid)

# Create the model
model = PDEModel(PDE, range_geometry, domain_geometry)

# 1.4 Look at the solution for some initial condition

parameters = CUQIarray(np.ones(model.domain_dim), geometry=domain_geometry)
solution_case1 = model.forward(parameters)

parameters.plot(label="Initial Condition (t=0)")
solution_case1.plot(label=f"Final Solution (t={max_time})")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend object at 0x7f2f13dd4830>

Model 2: Same as Model 1 but using Backward Euler method for time stepping#

# 1.1 Create a PDE object

dt_approx = 0.006  # Approximate time step
max_iter = int(max_time/dt_approx)  # Number of time steps
time_steps = np.linspace(0, max_time, max_iter+1,
                         endpoint=True)  # Time steps array

PDE = TimeDependentLinearPDE(
    PDE_form, time_steps, method="backward_euler")

# 1.2 Create the PDE model

model = PDEModel(PDE, range_geometry, domain_geometry)

# 1.3 Look at the solution for the same initial condition as in `Model 1`

parameters = CUQIarray(np.ones(model.domain_dim), geometry=domain_geometry)
solution_case2 = model.forward(parameters)

parameters.plot(label="Initial Condition (t=0)")
solution_case2.plot(label=f"Final Solution (t={max_time})")

# 1.4 Print the relative error between the two solutions

print("Relative error between the forward and backward Euler solution:"),
print(np.linalg.norm(solution_case2-solution_case1) /
Relative error between the forward and backward Euler solution:

Model 3: Same as Model 2, but using varying time step size#

# 1.1 Create a PDE object

# Time steps array
time_steps1 = np.linspace(0, max_time/2, max_iter+1, endpoint=True)
time_steps2 = np.linspace(max_time/2, max_time,
                          int(max_iter/2)+1, endpoint=True)
time_steps = np.hstack((time_steps1[:-1], time_steps2))

PDE = TimeDependentLinearPDE(
    PDE_form, time_steps, method="backward_euler")

# 1.2 Create the PDE model

model = PDEModel(PDE, range_geometry, domain_geometry)

# 1.3 Look at the solution for the same initial condition as in Model 2 & 1

parameters = CUQIarray(np.ones(model.domain_dim), geometry=domain_geometry)
solution_case3 = model.forward(parameters)

parameters.plot(label="Initial Condition (t=0)")
solution_case3.plot(label=f"Final Solution (t={max_time})")

# 1.4 Print the relative error between this solution and the forward Euler solution

print("Relative error between the forward and the time-step-varying backward Euler solution:"),
print(np.linalg.norm(solution_case3-solution_case1) /
Relative error between the forward and the time-step-varying backward Euler solution:

Model 4: Same as model 2 but the source term is the Bayesian parameter#

# 1.1 Prepare PDE form
time_steps = np.linspace(0, max_time, max_iter+1, endpoint=True)

# PDE form function, returns a tuple of (differential operator, source_term, initial_condition)
initial_condition = np.ones(dim)
def PDE_form(source_term, t): return (Dxx, source_term, initial_condition)

# 1.2 Create a PDE object
PDE = TimeDependentLinearPDE(
    PDE_form, time_steps, method="backward_euler")

# 1.3 Create the PDE model

model = PDEModel(PDE, range_geometry, domain_geometry)

# 1.4 Look at the solution for zero source term

parameters = CUQIarray(np.zeros(model.domain_dim), geometry=domain_geometry)
solution_case4_a = model.forward(parameters)

parameters.plot(label="Source term")
solution_case4_a.plot(label=f"Final Solution (t={max_time})")

initial_condition = CUQIarray(initial_condition, geometry=domain_geometry)
initial_condition.plot(label="Initial Condition (t=0)",
                       linestyle='--', color='black')

# 1.5 Print the relative error between this solution and the solution from Model 2

print("Relative error between Model 2 and Model 4 solutions:"),
print(np.linalg.norm(solution_case4_a-solution_case2) /

# 1.6 Set the source term to a non-zero value

parameters = CUQIarray(np.ones(model.domain_dim), geometry=domain_geometry)
solution_case4_b = model.forward(parameters)

parameters.plot(label="Source term")
solution_case4_b.plot(label=f"Final Solution (t={max_time})")
initial_condition.plot(label="Initial Condition (t=0)",
                       linestyle='--', color='black')
  • TimeDependentLinearPDE
  • TimeDependentLinearPDE
Relative error between Model 2 and Model 4 solutions:

<matplotlib.legend.Legend object at 0x7f2f13b19d30>

Model 5: First order wave equation with initial condition as the Bayesian parameter#

The model set up is similar to the one presented in https://aquaulb.github.io/book_solving_pde_mooc/solving_pde_mooc/notebooks/04_PartialDifferentialEquations/04_01_Advection.html

# 1.1 Prepare PDE form

dim = 100   # Number of solution nodes
L = 1  # 1D domain length
max_time = .2  # Final time
dx = L/(dim+1)   # Space step size
dt_approx = .005  # Approximate time step
max_iter = int(max_time/dt_approx)  # Number of time steps
Dx = -(np.diag(1*np.ones(dim-1), 1) - np.diag(np.ones(dim), 0)) / \
    dx  # FD advection operator
Dx[0, :] = 0  # Setting boundary conditions
time_steps = np.linspace(0, max_time, max_iter+1,
                         endpoint=True)  # Time steps array

# PDE form function, returns a tuple of (differential operator, source_term, initial_condition)
def PDE_form(initial_condition, t): return (
    Dx, np.zeros(dim), initial_condition)

# 1.2 Create a PDE object

PDE = TimeDependentLinearPDE(
    PDE_form, time_steps, method="forward_euler")

# 1.3 Create the PDE model

# Set up geometries for the model
grid = np.linspace(dx, L, dim, endpoint=True)
domain_geometry = Continuous1D(grid)
range_geometry = Continuous1D(grid)

# Create the model
model = PDEModel(PDE, range_geometry, domain_geometry)

# 1.4 Look at the solution for some initial condition

def initial_condition_func(x): return np.exp(-200*(x-L/4)**2)

initial_condition = initial_condition_func(grid)
parameters = CUQIarray(initial_condition, geometry=domain_geometry)
solution_case5 = model.forward(parameters)

parameters.plot(label="Initial Condition (t=0)")
solution_case5.plot(label=f"Final Solution (t={max_time})")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend object at 0x7f2f13dd4fe0>

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1.269 seconds)

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