Go to the end to download the full example code.
Joint Distribution technical details#
This shows technical aspects of the JointDistribution class. These are mostly relevant for developers and advanced users. See Joint distribution tutorial for a more user-friendly introduction.
import sys; sys.path.append("../..")
import numpy as np
from cuqi.distribution import Gaussian, Gamma, JointDistribution
from cuqi.testproblem import Deconvolution1D
# Model and data
A, y_obs, _ = Deconvolution1D().get_components()
# Model dimensions
n = A.domain_dim
m = A.range_dim
Defining hierarchical Bayesian models#
The joint distribution is general enough to allow us to define hierarchical Bayesian models.
For example, consider the following extension of the Bayesian model earlier:
We can write this model in CUQIpy as follows:
# Define distribution
d = Gamma(1, 1e-4)
l = Gamma(1, 1e-4)
x = Gaussian(np.zeros(n), lambda d: 1/d)
y = Gaussian(lambda x: A@x, lambda l: 1/l, geometry=m)
Define joint distribution p(d,l,x,y)
joint = JointDistribution(d, l, x, y)
p(d,l,x,y) = p(d)p(l)p(x|d)p(y|x,l)
d ~ CUQI Gamma.
l ~ CUQI Gamma.
x ~ CUQI Gaussian. Conditioning variables ['d'].
y ~ CUQI Gaussian. Conditioning variables ['x', 'l'].
Define posterior
posterior = joint(y=y_obs)
p(d,l,x|y) ∝ p(d)p(l)p(x|d)L(x,l|y)
d ~ CUQI Gamma.
l ~ CUQI Gamma.
x ~ CUQI Gaussian. Conditioning variables ['d'].
y ~ CUQI Gaussian Likelihood function. Parameters ['x', 'l'].
Enabling Gibbs sampling#
One of the main purposes of the joint distribution is to be able to sample using a Gibbs scheme. For this to work we need to be able to define the distribution of each variable conditioned on the other variables.
That is, we need to define
Assuming we have some fixed values for \(\mathbf{x}\), \(d\) and \(l\), which we have denoted with the hat symbol. These simply indicate any fixed value.
Then we can simply condition the joint distribution on these values and it will handle the rest.
# Assume we want to condition on these values
yh = y_obs
xh = np.ones(n)
dh = 1
lh = 1
# The conditionals can be computed as follows:
Cx = joint(y=yh, d=dh, l=lh)
Cd = joint(y=yh, x=xh, l=lh)
Cl = joint(y=yh, x=xh, d=dh)
# We can try inspecting one of these conditional distributions.
# Notice how conditional distributions changed into a posterior distribution.
p(d|x) ∝ L(d|x)p(d)
x ~ CUQI Gaussian Likelihood function. Parameters ['d'].
d ~ CUQI Gamma.
Going into the internals of the joint distribution#
A useful “hack” is to have the joint distribution act as if it were a single parameter density. This is achieved by calling the ._as_stacked() method. This returns a new “stacked” joint distribution that the samplers/solvers can use as if it were any other Density.
posterior_stacked = posterior._as_stacked()
p(d,l,x|y) ∝ p(d)p(l)p(x|d)L(x,l|y)
d ~ CUQI Gamma.
l ~ CUQI Gamma.
x ~ CUQI Gaussian. Conditioning variables ['d'].
y ~ CUQI Gaussian Likelihood function. Parameters ['x', 'l'].
Here the dimension is the sum of the dimensions of the individual variables. The geometry is assumed as a default geometry matching the dimension.
print(f"Stacked Posterior dimension: {posterior_stacked.dim}")
print(f"Stacked Posterior geometry: {posterior_stacked.geometry}")
Stacked Posterior dimension: 130
Stacked Posterior geometry: _DefaultGeometry1D[130]
Finally you can evaluate the log density of the stacked using a single vector of parameters.
logd = posterior_stacked.logd(np.ones(posterior_stacked.dim))
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.012 seconds)